Million Christian Voters Pledge

There are over 90 million Christian voters in America, and one-third of Christians don’t regularly make it to the polls in presidential elections.

My Faith Votes is on a mission to engage those voters, and encourage them to vote in alignment with their biblical beliefs. Join the fight today. Add your name below to demonstrate your commitment to being a Christian voter in the 2024 election. 


As a faithful follower of Jesus Christ and a proud citizen of this great nation, I recognize the profound impact my vote can have on the future of our country. I acknowledge that my civic duty extends beyond the walls of my church and into the public square where decisions are made that shape the moral and spiritual direction of our society.

I pledge to vote in every election, understanding that each vote is a vital contribution to preserving the values and principles that our Founding Fathers enshrined in the Constitution. As a Christian, I commit to voting for candidates and policies that uphold the sanctity of life, the traditional family, religious liberty, and justice for all. I believe that my biblical values should guide my choices at the ballot box, ensuring that our nation's laws and leaders reflect God's truth and righteousness.

By signing this pledge, I affirm my dedication to being an informed and prayerful voter. Specifically, I pledge to:

  • Educate myself on the candidates and issues from a biblical perspective.

  • Pray for wisdom and discernment in my voting decisions.

  • Engage in respectful dialogue with others about the importance of voting our faith.

  • Encourage fellow believers to participate in the democratic process.

  • Trust in God's sovereign plan for our nation regardless of the election outcome.

I stand united with other believers, ready to make my voice heard for His glory and the good of our country.

I pledge to vote my biblical beliefs 
in the 2024 election.